Monday, 3 October 2011

First filming & editing.

This is my first attempt at editing and was my first real part in filming... Other than filming on my phone! I didn't realise how precise filming had to be. After we finished filming, me Matty and Fred played our recordings to Peter, that's when we realised how much we've missed out! Firstly, we didn't get enough GV (cut aways) we only did one cut away per person, where I've now realised that when editing, you need plenty of different cut aways to help once you've edited your piece you can use the cu aways so the final piece doesn't look rough and unprofessional by constant cutting to different parts and not fitting in well with other clips!
Another mistake I made was that my person I interviewed (Fred) was too low in the shot, where as his head should be at the top of the shot. This is another thing I didn't think would be a problem, but how wrong i was.
Another thing I messed up on was that we didn't shoot in 4:3 safe, so if this was published on tv and someone didn't have a widescreen tv it would most likely cut some of the scene! I also didn't pay much attention to white balance so when i play back what i've shot, you can tell instantly that its a bit dark.
I got told that my interviewee was too close to the wall, you can see his shadow and that I should have moved him away a bit.
We watched other peoples interviews today in class and now that i've seen everyone else's, it kind of puts mine to shame at how much better theirs looks compared to mine. I suppose that it is only my first go at filming and editing, I can't get any worse than this!

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