Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Feature Proposal

Feature proposal

My final VT idea is based on Sunday league referees receiving abuse from players and fans watching. This is a serious subject as at some extremes referees are obtaining severe threats, which put the referees in a difficult position. There has been many complaints to higher officials to try and cut this out of the game, but clearly are failing. The aim of my VT is to gain acknowledgement to general public to see the side referees see, its simply unfair and not acceptable.

The primary target audience is aimed at the ages of 16-40 males, as this is the age range Sunday league teams consist of, in some cases, older players. With this being the primary target audience, I intend it to give players a second thought in the future when they think about insulting a referee. The second target audience is aimed at a wider audience than the primary target due to the secondary target mainly being the fans that watch the games and also insult referees. The target is anywhere between 14-50 of males and females.

The VT duration will last roughly 2-3 minutes long, which a pre introduction in the studio by our presenter. The VT within these 2-3 minutes will consist of piece to cameras, vox pops, interview, graphics page and several general views. The VT will be filmed in HDV 1080i, and when it comes to exporting the VT into the Tricaster, it will be put in 16:9.

For the interview I have come up with several questions I intend to ask a Sunday league referee called Mel Gibbons:
  1. Do you enjoy refereeing football games?
  2. Per game, how many times do you usually receive abusive remarks from players?
  3. How do these remarks affect you during your job?
  4. Would you agree with a new disciplinary to players, fining them for abusive remarks?
  5. If a player shouts abuse at you during a game, how do you approach this situation?
  6. Would you give a player a red or yellow card if he shouted negative comments to you, or would you give them a warning?
  7. Do you think that the amount of negative abuse referees receive will create a shortage of referees for Sunday league football games?
I have also come up with a couple of possible questions I am intending to ask general public to find out how they feel on this subject:
  1. Have you witnessed a referee receive abusive remarks in a game?
  2. What are your views on this matter?
  3. Do you think there is any way of cutting this out of games?
  4. Would you agree with a new disciplinary fining players and fans more than they already are?

My graphics page will be plain with a couple of stats, just to back up the presenter in what he is talking about, for example, how much referees get per game and how many games they referee per week. I also will have lower thirds, which will have the interviewee and presenters name on them.

In conclusion, I believe my VT has a important notice that needs to be established that abusive remarks to referees isn’t acceptable. This VT could inspire many players to stop abusing referees, or to make higher officials take a stricter approach.

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