Saturday 6 January 2001

Production Diary Week 10

We have now broke up for Christmas, we have at this point finished our editing, which means we have finished the VT for the live shoot. During the festive holiday break, I have started the 1500 word essay and by this point finished roughly 1000 words. We went back to University on the 4th of January. We have decided to sort out our presenter, camera operators, sound technician, guests and the presenters script. So me Mikael, Imogen and Luke decided to have Matty Jump as our presenter, he is comfortable performing this role and seems confident about the task. We have chosen our camera operators to be, Jack, Fred and Ashley, mainly because these have a good background of using cameras and would be beneficial if we had someone on camera that knew what they were doing and felt confident about it. Our live guests are going to be Erin and Abid, this is because we want two different looks on drinking on the live show, as Erin drinks but Abid doesn't. Lastly, our sound technician is going to be Nabeel, this is because Nabeel has a lot of experience when it comes to the sound side of things.

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